Special Educational Needs and Disability – SEN Information Report
The Special Educational Needs (Local Offer) Regulations 2014 prescribe the information that schools must publish on their own website and also be available through the local authority’s published Local Offer. This document, taken from Bury Council, Children Services framework, sets out the Local Offer at Philips High School. Parents can request a paper copy of the document on request.
This document outlines the SEN information required by the SEN Code of Practice. About our School Philips High School is a fully inclusive secondary school. Our vision for all students is to be as STAR at Philips- Success- Together- Aspire- Respect.
As a school we;
Value high quality and inclusive teaching for all students
Aim to create a supportive learning environment in order to meet the needs of all students
Use teacher assessments to monitor the progress of all pupils and ensure that learning is taking place. Involve parents by sharing information through reports, parent’s evenings and pastoral support.
Aim to deliver a high quality curriculum that builds on prior learning, with opportunities to develop skills and knowledge.
Aim to support all pupils wellbeing and Mental Health, through our school support systems and counselling service
Provide opportunities for all pupils to learn about Relationships, Sex and Health as part of the curriculum, embed British Values, Citizenship and opportunities for pupils to learn about careers and the world of work, as part of our curriculum.
Provide support for all pupils with transitions from primary school and secondary school.
1. What is the school’s approach to teaching children and young people with special educational needs?
Philips High School has a child centred inclusive approach to education. The school is committed to ensuring all pupils receive a high quality education and our aim is for pupils to realise their academic potential regardless of any challenges they may face.
Pupils with SEN are educated, as much as possible, in the classroom as part of this inclusive strategy, but may also receive intervention and support on a personalised, individual level.
Some pupils may be identified and allocated to smaller teaching groups as part of our Thrive pathway, so that they can access more additional staff support. The school tries to ensure that no child is excluded from educational visits because of their SEN or disability. The school has a pastoral system in place to provide support to all pupils. Pupils with an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) receive the necessary support as set out in their EHCP. They have a personalised support programme with focus on their specific needs. This can be through in class support, small group/individual teaching with a specialist teacher, small group/individual teaching from a HLTA or specialist teacher, numeracy and literacy interventions, reading programmes, Head of Year input may be put in place for pupils with Social Emotional and Mental Health needs. These support programmes are also used for pupils that do not have an EHCP but do have additional needs pupils and are offered on a personalised need level, as every pupil is different and has different needs. In most subjects, pupils are taught in sets according to their academic ability in order that support can be placed with those pupils who need it and teacher in class interventions can also take place. Wherever possible, pupils with SEN are taught in mainstream classes. Withdrawal from some lessons occurs for small group/individual input from the specialist teacher/HLTAs/Non- teaching HOYs, based on an individual pupil’s needs. Additional support is available to pupils who are vulnerable and those that experience a range of social, emotional, mental health and behavioural difficulties.
The school ensures that no child is excluded from educational visits because of their SEN or disability and that reasonable adjustments or alternatives are made when required.
2: How we identify SEN
Philips High School have provision in place for Provision is offered for these areas of SEN
- Cognition and Learning
- Physical/medical
- Sensory impairment
- Social, emotional and mental health difficulties
- Communication difficulties
We recognise that students make progress at different rates and that people learning in different ways. In order to identify whether progress is being affected by a Special Educational Need we:
- Liaise with primary schools as part of the transition process Information to ensure that information about pupils and their needs are passed
- Parent/carer meetings may also take place, alongside discussion with primary staff as part of the transition
- Attending year 6 Annual Reviews, if a pupil has an
- On-going assessment throughout the pupil’s time at Philips High School in order to identify attainment and progress, to show whether a pupil is falling behind their peers and/or whether the pupil is not progressing as expected.
- Observations/interaction with pupils from non-teaching HOY/counsellors/teachers/non- teaching
- Advice and information from outside agencies – such as the Educational Psychology, Social services/CYPIC team, Additional needs
- Concerns raised by staff about a pupil’s progress, ability to access work or engagement in lessons.
- Concerns raised by parents about their child’s progress or ability to access
Intervention programmes are overseen by the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO), and Deputy Head teacher (Personal Development). Pupils’ progress and attainment are regularly monitored and reviewed with support being given dependent on a personal need level. The pupil’s progress is monitored on an on-going basis and then if adequate progress is not being made appropriate support is put in place. Pupils with an EHCP have an Annual Review meeting. There is a SEN link governor, who reviews the procedures in school and keeps the governing body of the school informed regarding issues regarding SEN.
Parents/carers are informed of individual targets for pupils. They are given regular feedback as to the progress their child has made. Information sharing and discussions with parents/carers are welcomed as parent/carer support is valued at Philips High School.
Parents/carers are invited to contact the school whenever they have a concern regarding their child and their progress in school.
3: SEN Staff
F Cooper | SENCO |
J Duxbury | Deputy Head teacher |
S Newsham | SEN Manager- lead for pupils with medical needs and physical/ sensory needs. |
G Lockyer | SpLD Teacher |
In addition to the staff named above, the department has four Higher Level Teaching Assistants (HLTAs) that deliver intervention programs for Literacy and Numeracy, Social skills and SEMH needs and provide support for EAL pupils. Learning Support Assistants (LSA) who are key workers for individual pupils, deliver interventions and support in lessons. Inclusion Support Assistants (ISAs) who support learning in lessons.
All students are assigned to a form group and their form tutor is an important first point of contact.
4. How will the school adapt the curriculum and learning environment for pupils with SEN?
At Philips High School we aim to provide a broad and balanced curriculum for all pupils. For the majority of subjects, pupils will be placed in a particular set according to their academic ability, this is so that specific support and intervention can be targeted around the needs of the pupils. An emphasis is placed on quality first teaching within an inclusive classroom, where teachers can differentiate for the individual needs of the pupils. Pupils undergo diagnostic testing in numeracy, literacy (spelling and reading), on entry. The results of these tests and the information from parents/carers and teachers from the previous school are used in order to plan programmes of intervention for pupils.
Intervention is delivered in class by class teachers through differentiation and quality first teaching and the support of LSASs /ISAs, some pupils may access small group work or 1:1 sessions.
Pupils are identified through primary school transition information and school baseline assessments may be place in our KS3 Thrive Pathway, if they need to have more specialist support; pupils identified access lessons for some subjects in smaller teaching groups so that they have more time with their teachers and can access additional staff support.
At KS4, pupils identified for the Thrive pathway have the opportunity to access English. Maths and Science in smaller teaching groups; as part of the pathway pupils have access to alternative courses such as ASDAN, which involves personal development programmes. For more information about the Thrive Pathway please go to the Thrive Department page.
As a school we have started to develop the use of Alternative provisions and Work Experience Placements, this provision is allocated if it has been identified as an appropriate intervention for some pupils. Due to this, some pupils may study fewer subjects in school and will have personalised timetables. Some pupils are educated on a part-time basis at other educational establishments which offer specialist provision.
Some pupils with Social Emotional Mental Health (SEMH) or medical needs may have difficulty accessing the school environment and attending lessons. Due to this we have developed a provision within school, Safe Space, which some students access as a way to gradually increase their time in school and build up their time in lessons. The aim of this provision is to support pupils and work with them and their families to enable them to re-engage with all aspects of school like. As part of their time in the Safe Space pupils will access subject work from their teachers as well has intervention in relation to their individual needs.
Some pupils experience visual stress and this makes it difficult to process visual information. This can make reading difficult, but using a coloured overlay placed over reading material can help to improve this. Our aim at Philips High School is to support all pupils’ needs to that they can achieve the very best outcome from their education. We are therefore able to identify any Irlen needs and provide pupils with a coloured overlay, which they can use both at home and at school. This arrangement will only be sustained if it is evident that the pupil finds it helpful and makes use of it. Pupils are welcome to use tinted spectacles if this is their normal way of working.
It is our hope that pupils will develop an attitude of independence and self-help towards their Irlen needs, in preparation for life.
It is school policy to photocopy all classroom worksheets and examination papers for Irlen tested pupils onto cream paper. This is a recommendation from the Irlen Syndrome Foundation.
Accommodations can also be made in the classroom, such as changing the background colour of the interactive whiteboard to reduce any glare and make reading more comfortable.
Information about personal development and careers is built into the curriculum, there are opportunities to learn about job sectors and careers as part of lessons, life skills days and as part of our character curriculum.
SEN pupils and their parents/carers receive support from the school and a careers advice service, regarding option choices. Pupils with additional needs will be identified for additional careers guidance and transition to possible further education, employment or training. The school has a full up to date disability action and access plan. Planning for transition and discussions around post 16 choices and careers are part of the Annual Review process, if a pupil has an EHCP.
All pupils learn about Relationships Sex and Health (RSHE) as part of the curriculum at Philips High School. SEN pupils may require more specialist support when learning about these topics.
5. How is expertise secured for teaching staff and others working with pupils with SEN?
All teaching and support staff have a responsibility to provide SEN pupils with the support they need within the classroom environments and beyond to ensure they make good progress.
Staff are involved in regular training for:
- Teaching and learning strategies
- SEN specific strategies and advice
- Training on medical need, for example Epi pen training
- Safeguarding
Teaching and support staff have access to training courses that are specific to their role in school.
The Deputy Head teacher has a postgraduate certificate of special educational needs and a postgraduate certificate of education management. The SENCO has the National SENCO Award. There is a Teacher who has additional qualifications in teaching pupils with specific learning difficulties. This Teacher is qualified to undertake Irlen screening tests. We work with the Sensory Needs team and have access to a qualified teacher for the deaf, who monitors pupils with HI difficulties. In addition to this we have access to specialist staff for pupils with visual impairments, who work with pupils in school. We access outreach support from Spring Lane School. Advice and support are also received from Early Break, Additional Needs Team, Educational Psychologist, CYPIC team, social services and the school nurse. We also receive support through the SEMH partnership. School are now accessing Place2Be, this is a service that supports positive mental health and runs a counselling service in school. School have a project manager from Place2Be in school for four days a week, who co-ordinates the support for pupils in school. The project manager works closely with the pastoral and learning support departments to identify pupils that would benefit from support or counselling. Pupils can also self- refer into this service. This is part of our on-going work towards being a mentally healthy school and to promote positive mental health and wellbeing. Support can also be accessed by staff and can be offered to parents/ carers.
6. How will the emotional and social development of pupils with SEN be supported and improved?
There is a comprehensive pastoral system in place at Philips High School, which includes all pupils. Pupils are placed into mixed ability forms and will have a form tutor, who is overseen by the Heads of year and by a member of SLT. The Form tutor is the pupils first point of contact for parents and carers. There are weekly form tutor meetings so that form tutors have regular updates about pupils in their forms. Through the curriculum, aspects of Personal Development, Life skills, RSHE, British Values and Citizenship are covered for all pupils. There are two Head of Years – Non teaching/Teaching. We now have the additional support of the Place2Be service which will be based in school and which will work alongside our current school support systems.
Currently, each year group has access to its own zone during break and lunch time, allowing pupils time to build peer relationships and staff to monitor behaviour.
Pupils with behavioural difficulties receive support via a staged behavioural improvement process, this is in line with the Local Authority Tier system, through with the school are able to gain additional advice and support if required. Heads of year support pupils with social skills and implement interventions in order to support pupils in improving their behaviour. Pupils who are at risk of exclusion receive additional support in school and outside agencies or Alternative Provision placements may be considered if this is seen as an appropriate strategy. Re-integration meetings are held with both pupil and parents/carers following an exclusion so that further intervention strategies can be discussed. There is a panel of governors who meet regularly in order to discuss behavioural or attendance issues with pupils and parents/carers.
Philips High School has a clear rewards and sanctions policy that sets out how pupils are expected to behave in school, with consequences for negative actions. There is an achievements assembly which is undertaken termly, success and progress are celebrated at these assemblies. Rewards assemblies occur at the start of each term and celebrate the successes of pupils from the previous term. Rewards trips are also planned for pupils who follow the school’s expectations. Attendance assemblies highlight and celebrate achievements regarding attendance. Pupils who have 100% attendance in a half term receive opportunity to have a non-uniform day.
7. What additional learning support will be available to pupils with SEN?
All support programmes are reviewed and the impact they have had on a student’s progress.
The type of support a pupil receives depends upon the type and extent of support they need and the availability of the support. Pupils with an EHCP receive access to their allocated number of hours and type of support set out in their plan, many receive more than this. All support allocation is provision mapped and costed.
Support is also given dependent upon the need which is established through diagnostic testing, staff or parental referral, a change in behaviour or through a drop in attainment. The wide variety of support strategies and outside agencies that can be accessed have been set out already in this document. Decisions will be made by the SENCO and/or the SENCO manager in liaison with the relevant staff or agencies. Parents/carers are kept informed of targets and the progress their child is making. Parental feedback on any support given is sought to judge the impact the intervention has had. The views of the parents/carers are welcomed.
All programmes are assessed on narrowing the gap in attainment for the individual pupil, ensuring that they begin to make expected progress. If this is not the case an alternative route is looked for unless the programme is working but needs more time to allow this type of progress to be made. If the support is for a behavioural issue, success criteria will be based around a reduction of negative incidents that impact on the progress of the pupil, along with a reduction of concerns noted by teachers on the termly PPR. With academic interventions, the key focus is if a programme has led to a pupil making at least expected progress following the programme or that their academic gap is beginning to narrow. Some pupils with physical/medical difficulties will be supported in practical subjects if required, some follow physiotherapy programmes and differentiated programmes in PE. Pupils with ASD and Social Communication Difficulties also receive mentoring input from a HLTA. The school provides mentoring input for some pupils with SEN.
8. How will the progress of children and young people with special educational needs be assessed and reviewed? How will those pupils and their parents take part in any assessment or review?
School holds parents’ evenings for pupils in all year groups and produces an individual report from subject and form teachers annually. Also, all pupils receive a termly Pupil Progress Review (PPR) which informs parents/carers of progress made and concerns noted. In year 11 pupils are closely monitored in order to check on progress with regard to academic qualifications, additional intervention is planned following the publication of the data. When pupils receive their PPR they can discuss their progress and targets this with their Form Tutor, Head of Year and subject teachers. In addition to this, SEN pupils have targets set, which are reviewed half yearly – as per an Assess-Plan-Do-Review cycle.
A copy of the targets and/or SEN reviews can be sent to parents/carers. Parents/carers can attend reviews and can request a review of their child’s educational provision and targets at any time. All pupils with and EHCP have an annual review to which the parents/carers are invited. At this annual review the child’s progress towards targets is discussed along with any issues which may be impacting on the child’s ability to learn. Future provision and strategies are also discussed at these meetings. Interim review meetings are held following transition with year 7 pupils in order to assess the correct level of provision and to discuss any issues that may have arisen. Interim reviews will be called if there is a concern with any pupil with SEN’s progress or attitude to learning. Parents/carers of pupils with SEN can request additional information or request meetings in school to discuss their child’s progress if they have concerns.
Pupils with SEN are monitored whilst undertaking programmes of intervention. They are also monitored termly following the publication of internal school data. The HLTAs and SpLD teacher also undertake regular testing of pupil progress throughout the year and alert the SENCO and parents/carers if there are any concerns. For certain pupils, for example those with severe behavioural difficulties or severe medical conditions, need regular contact with parents/carers, particularly when incidents occur. This contact could be with the heads of year, individual teachers, the SENCO or HLTAs. This contact may occur via the email system or by phone or text system.
School support given to pupils is explained to parents/carers at parents/carers’ information evenings. These evenings are held on transition when pupils start year 7 and when they start year 10. Support processes and interventions are outlined to parents/carers. SLT parents/carers’ evenings are held with pupils who are not making progress in year 10 and 11. Information about SEN support in school is also available on the school website.
All pupils are monitored through the pupil progress review system (PPR) which occurs termly. At KS4 staff input predicted grades. Following the publication of this data the SEN pupils will be assessed and evaluated. If adequate progress is not being made then interventions are put in place, by departments. Interventions undertaken are regularly monitored with feedback given to both pupils and parents/carers. The school’s SEN provision is regularly reviewed and evaluated following whole school data and tracked using SISRA which refers to SEN as a pupil group. The impact of interventions are assessed and evaluated and the results inform school which SEN provisions are effective.
Pupils and parents/carers take part in reviews and annual reviews of their child’s educational plan. In addition to this, the views of parents are sought via parent voice following information and parents/carers’ evenings. Also, the views of parents/carers of SEN pupils are sought when the disability access plan and scheme are reviewed; these views are used in order to inform future planning. Provisions are audited with regard to impact and cost.
9. How can pupils with SEN access the school’s facilities?
The school has in place a disability access scheme and a disability access plan. This plan can be found on the school’s website and is reviewed every three years following consultation with all stakeholders (see plan). The school has adapted facilities to accommodate wheelchair users and pupils/parents/carers with physical difficulties. The curriculum has also been adapted, particularly in PE and practical subjects, to accommodate pupils with physical difficulties. There are accessible toilet, showering and changing facilities for pupils with physical difficulties. The school has been adapted for pupils that require support with their vision and who are supported by the Sensory Needs Team. Support with recording is given to pupils who experience difficulties with recording and reading. Some pupils also receive scribes when required. Pupils are assessed for exam access arrangements. We have a HLTA in school who supports students with English as an additional language and for parents’ translators can be arranged for planned meetings, if school are informed that this is a requirement.
Philips High School has a fully inclusive policy and pupils with any form of SEN are fully integrated in all aspects of school life. Pupils will be supported on a needs basis which may be one to one support with a teacher or Inclusion Support Assistant (ISA), specific programmes or teaching, small group work, lunch time support etc. Practical subjects, such as PE, use differentiated programmes for pupils with SEND.
Pupils requiring financial assistance are supported on educational trips and visits. We try to ensure that no pupil should be excluded for issues relating to SEN. Pupils have care plans which are adjusted for school trips.
Parents are invited in to discuss prospective trips and visits and their feedback is welcomed through individual contact and through parent voice.
10. Transition
Philips High School has an extensive transition programme for pupils. We regularly have events and taster session with partner primary schools to familiarise pupils with the school site in years 5 and 6. The school holds an open evening and encourages visits during the school day for prospective pupils and parents.
Once students have been accepted at Philips, the transition visits to primary schools start. The heads of year follow a transition programme, working directly with the pupils who will attend from our larger feeder schools. Pupils with SEN may require additional supported visits, with the support of parents/carers and outside agencies. The SENCO and head of year attend SEN y6 annual reviews when invited and the head of year attends all other meetings such as Team Around the Family (TAF) reviews. The SENCO/ SENCO manager and head of year meet with staff from the majority of feeder primary schools in order to discuss progress, SEN issues, attendance, behaviour information, medical issues or any other issue which may impact on the learning of the pupil. There is an evening meeting for parents/carers to attend prior to the induction day which is when pupils can experience a day in school. There are care plan meetings organised for parents/carers to attend in order to discuss any medical needs.
Pupils who start Philips after year 6 are assessed before they start and information from KS2 is used to ensure that in order to ensure pupils are set appropriately and any support that they may require. They receive additional pastoral support via the head of year and the form teacher. Philips staff contact the previous school in order to obtain up to date information and parents/carers are invited to attend transition meetings.
In year 9, SEN pupils have support when choosing their options for KS4. There is an options evening for all pupils and their parents so that they can gain information before making choices. There are also appointments arranged for them to speak to staff in school about their option choices after options evening. Pupils identified for the Thrive Pathway have a talk delivered by the SENCO on options evening so that pupils and parents understand what is offered as part of this Pathway.
Pupils in KS4 receive an extensive programme in order to make them ready to progress to post 16 provisions. Representatives from colleges are invited into school in order to speak to the pupils.
Pupils also go on taster sessions to the local colleges. Talks are also arranged by local companies and employers, following the careers programme. As part of careers and personal development, pupils are made aware of all of the different avenues they can follow after leaving Philips, including apprenticeships, training and college. We have an independent careers advisor, who works in school and SEN pupils are provided with additional careers support, they will be invited to attend Annual Reviews. We also try to invite a representative from the potential college placement/ education provision to attend year 11 Annual reviews, in preparation for transition.
11. Who can parents/carers contact for further information?
There are many members of staff who will also impact on a child’s education at Philips and school staff welcome contact with parents. Philips High School has a robust and successful pastoral system. All pupils are in a form and have a form tutor; they are overseen by two Heads of Year. If pupils have SEN, the SENCO or SEN manager can also be contacted. The school’s safeguarding lead is a point of contact for all issues regarding safeguarding. The designated teacher for Looked After Children (CYPIC) is a point of contact for professionals and carers. In addition to this, two members of SLT are deputy safeguarding leads.
If you have concerns about progress in a specific subject, in the first instance you should contact either the subject teacher or Head of Department.
If you have concerns about progress in general, in the first instance you should contact the form tutor or Head of Year.
These key members of staff will then be able to pass on any concerns to SEN staff to explore the concerns raised, if needed.
If, as a result of the concerns raised further action is required the SENCO or member of the Learning support department will contact parents to discuss or arrange a meeting.
If a parent/carer is considering joining the school they should contact Mrs Wiggins, the head teacher’s secretary, in order to arrange a visit to the school and an appointment with the head teacher. Other school staff may be invited to this meeting. Staff can be contacted via the school office and the school’s email system.
How the Governing Body involves other bodies in meeting the needs of pupils and in supporting families.
The SEN Governor is Ms H Watson
The role of the SEN governor is to be up to date and informed with regard to the SEN policy and the progress of SEN pupils in the school. They will also become involved regarding the provision and the resources the school offers to pupils with SEN. In addition, they should support the SENCO and Deputy Head teacher with a strategic approach to meeting SEN in the context of the total resources available.
School will follow the instructions from the SEND code of practice.
If required, school will follow the process outlined by the Bury SEN team for an EHCP request for assessment, following the stator guidance.
The school will work with any outside body for the benefit of our pupils with SEN. The bodies/support services used more often are:
Special Educational Needs & Assessment (SEN) Team
3 Knowsley Place Duke Street
Bury BL9 0EJ 0161 253 6472
SEN Teaching Teams (Additional Needs Teams) Cognition & Learning Team
Communications Difficulties Team
3 Knowsley Place Duke Street
Bury BL9 0EJ 0161 253 7317
0161 253 7246
Sensory Support Teams (Hearing and Vision)
3 Knowsley Place, Duke Street,
Bury, Lancashire
Telephone 0161 253 7159
Educational Psychology Service
3 Knowsley Place Duke Street
Bury BL9 0EJ 0161 253 6412
Physiotherapy/ Occupational Therapy
Fairfield General Hospital Rochdale Old Road
Bury BL9 7TD
0161 624 0420
Child & Family Service Fairfield General Hospital Rochdale Old Road
Bury BL9 7TD
0161 716 1112/1100
Phone: 01706 769634
Email: bury.sendiass@barnardos.org.uk
For more information about our school counselling service Place2Be please visit: www.place2be.org.uk
Please note: the Bury Local Offer is called ‘The Bury Directory’. This contains information about different organisations and support agencies. The link for this can be found –>>HERE<<–. and in the menu of our website
Glossary of key terms and Acronyms: EHCP- Education Health and Care Plan IP- Intervention Plan
APDR- Assess- Plan- Do-Review (Graduated Approach) SEND- Special Educational Needs and Disability SENCO- Special Education Needs Coordinator
HLTA- Higher Level Teaching Assistant ISA- Inclusion Support Assistant
CI- Communication and Interaction CAL- Cognition and Learning
SEMH- Social Emotional and Mental Health PD- Physical Disability
PS- Physical or Sensory Need MLD- Moderate Learning Difficulty
SLCN- Speech Language and Communication Need SLD- Severe Learning Difficulty
ASC- Autistic Spectrum Condition
SPLD- Specific Learning Difficulties- including Dyslexia HI- Hearing Impairment
VI- Visual Impairment
CAMHs- Child and Adolescent Mental Health