Home / Pupil Premium \ Vulnerable Groups Analysis 2015

Pupil Premium \ Vulnerable Groups Analysis 2015

Report 2014/15 Attendance Overview Term 3 1-2-1 Analysis
Literacy Intervention Spelling July 2015 Numeracy Intervention
Analysis 2015
Vulnerable Groups Analysis 2015 HTLA Behaviour Intervention Analysis Ongoing Isolation Analysis 2014/15

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One to one analysis – vulnerable groups (2014-2015)



Vulnerable Group






No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Both Eng/Ma
Total out of all identified pupils 37 69 23 43 7 13 22 41 24 44
+1 sub level 35 95 22 96 7 100 15 68 23 96
+2 sub levels 25 68 17 74 7 100 15 68 17 74
+3 sub levels 15 41 10 44 5 71 9 41 11 46
+4 sub levels 8 22 6 26 4 57 5 23 3 13
+5 sub levels (6 sub) 2 5 1 4 2 29 1 5 0 0
Total identified 16 64 12 48 4 16 12 48 8 32
+1 sub level 15 94 11 92 4 100 12 100 7 88
+2 sub levels 13 81 9 75 4 100 10 83 7 88
+3 sub levels 8 50 6 50 3 75 7 58 5 63
+4 sub levels 4 25 3 25 3 75 4 33 2 25
+5 sub levels 2 13 1 8 2 50 1 8 0 0
Total identified 21 72 11 38 3 10 10 34 16 55
+1 sub level 20 95 11 100 3 100 10 100 15 94
+2 sub levels 12 57 8 73 3 100 5 50 10 63
+3 sub levels 7 33 4 36 3 100 2 20 6 38
+4 sub levels 4 19 3 27 2 67 1 10 2 13
+5 sub levels (6  sub) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Out of 54 pupils, only 2 made no progress at all since year 8, it was a success for the rest of the pupils – 96% making progress as a result of the tuition (91% last year).
The largest groups of pupils identified for one to one tuition were in the middle, low, PP and boys category. For all categories, there has been a larger improvement in terms of progress when compared to last year.

Future Actions

  • Continue to use one to one tuition for English and maths next year with year 9 pupils for all pupils who have made one sub-level progress or less in 2 years.
  • Also, in addition, identify the PP pupils who have made two or less sub-levels progress in 2 years.
  • Any remaining spaces identify pupils who have made less than two sub-levels of progress from the upper/middle category, using suggestions from staff.