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Pupil Premium \ Ongoing Isolation Analysis 2014/15

Report 2014/15 Attendance Overview Term 3 1-2-1 Analysis
Literacy Intervention Spelling July 2015 Numeracy Intervention
Analysis 2015
Vulnerable Groups Analysis 2015 HTLA Behaviour Intervention Analysis Ongoing Isolation Analysis 2014/15

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 Tracking of pupils re isolation  2014-2015
Total at the end of the Autumn term

First Category Total number of isolation places % compared to whole year % compared to SEN total
Whole year 130
SEN – total 60 46
SEMH 37 28 61
CAL 19 14 32
CI 3 2 5
SP 1 1 2
Pupil Premium 79 61


Boys 94 72


NB:  As it can be seen, 46% of pupils who go into isolation are pupils who have an identified SEN. Out of the pupils who go into isolation, 28% have a category of BESD. Only 39% of the total number of isolation places were taken by pupils with an SEN category other than SEMH as a category. When all categories of SEN are taken into account, 37 places were taken up by pupils with a recognised category of BESD, 61%. Therefore, 39% of SEN pupils placed in isolation do not have a category of BESD.
Comparisons between year groups

SEN (No.) BOYS (No.) PP (No.) TOTAL (No.)
7 11 23 15 26
8 16 18 24 34
9 14 18 16 28
10 7 11 7 13
11 12 23 17 29

Positive trends noted at the end of the Autumn Term Dec 14

  • There has been a significant reduction in the number of places used in isolation (244 to 130) when compared to Autumn term 13.
  • There has been a significant reduction in the number of places allocated to pupils with SEN (all categories except CI and S/P), PP and boys.
  • The number of pupils with SEN, but no category of SEMH, has risen when compared to Autumn 13.
  • The highest number of places has been taken up by year 8 pupils, the fewest for year 10.


  • Insist on parity across the year groups in terms of why pupils are placed in isolation.
  • Put intervention in place for identified pupils and pupil groups (boys y7, PP y8, boys in y9,10 and 11.
  • Continue with the respect campaign.

Total at the end of the Spring term 14-15

First Category Total number of isolation places % compared to whole year % compared to SEN total
Whole year 185
SEN – total 74 40
SEMH 48 26 65
CAL only 23 12 31
CI only 3 2 4
SP only 0 0 0
Pupil Premium 102 55


Boys 134 72


NB:  As it can be seen, the majority of pupils who go into isolation are pupils who do not have an identified SEN. Out of the pupils who go into isolation, 26% have a category of SEMH. Only 14% of the total number of isolation places were taken by pupils with an SEN category other than SEMH. There has been a reduction in the number of places as compared to Spring 14. There has been a reduction in all vulnerable groups identified when compared to Spring 14, except for boys, which has stayed the same.
Autumn to Spring term analysis

Autumn term Spring term
Total no. of places used 130 185
Total no. places SEN category 60 74
Total no. places SEMH  as one of the categories 37 48
Total no. places Pupil Premium 79 102
Total no. places Boys 94 134

All of the groups identified above have significantly increased since the Autumn term, including the total number of places used.

Comparisons between year groups

SEN (No.) BOYS (No.) PP (No.) TOTAL (No.)
7 24 23 24 35
8 17 42 29 55
9 12 24 18 39
10 13 18 17 28
11 8 27 14 28


Positive trends noted at the end of the Spring Term April 15

  • There has been a significant reduction in the number of places used in isolation (310 to 185) when compared to Spring 14.
  • There has been a significant reduction in the number of places allocated to pupils with SEN (all categories), PP and boys when compared to Spring 14.
  • The number of pupils with SEN, but no category of SEMH, has decreased when compared to Spring 14.
  • The highest number of places has been taken up by year 8 pupils, the fewest for years 10 and 11.


  • Insist on parity across the year groups in terms of why pupils are placed in isolation.
  • Put intervention in place for identified pupils and pupil groups (boys all year groups, PP and SEN – y7.)
  • Continue with the respect campaign.
  • Continue with interventions with the HLTA with identified pupils.

Total at the end of the Summer term

First Category Total number of isolation places % compared to whole year % compared to SEN total
Whole year 219
SEN – total 81 21
SEMH 50 13 63
CAL 23 6 29
CI 6 1.5 7
SP 1 0.5 1
Pupil Premium 125 61


Boys 162 74


NB:  As it can be seen, the majority of pupils who go into isolation are pupils who do not have an identified SEN. Out of the pupils who go into isolation, 13% have a category of BESD. Only 8% of the total number of isolation places were taken by pupils with an SEN category other than SEMH – this has gone down since Summer 14.

Autumn to Spring to Summer term analysis

Autumn term Spring term Summer term
Total no. of places used 130 185 219
Total no. places SEN category 60 74 81
Total no. places SEMH category 37 48 50
Total no. places Pupil Premium 79 102 125
Total no. places Boys 94 134 162

For the whole year, 57% of places were taken up by boys who were PP – this has gone up since 2013-14.
For the whole year, 26% of places were taken up by boys who were PP and SEN – this percentage has gone up since 2013-2014.

Trend analysis over the year 2014-2015


  • The total number of places used in isolation went down this summer term when compared to Summer 14.
  • A greater proportion of pupils were SEMH, this shows correct identification.
  • The number of places used for each term and by each category has gone down since 13-14.
  • Only 8% of the total number of isolation places were taken by pupils with an SEN category other than SEMH – this has gone down since Summer 14.
  • 21 pupils out of 219 (73%) did not have a category of SEN. More pupils without a category for SEN have been placed in isolation than pupils with SEN.


  • The number of boys in isolation was up since Summer 14.
  • The biggest percentage of places used was by boys.
  • The number of places used in isolation has gone up since the spring term – this is due to isolation places being undertaken by pupils re C4.
  • The worst term for placing pupils in isolation was the Summer term for the whole school and for individual groups.


  • Insist on parity across the year groups in terms of why pupils are placed in isolation.
  • Put more intervention be put in place to support pupils with SEMH.
  • Put more intervention in place to support boys and PP pupils.
  • Behaviour improvement programme, including additional support from the newly appointed HLTA.
  • The respect campaign to continue.
  • Continue with the C4 behaviour system in September.