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Pupil Premium \ Literacy Intervention Spelling July 2015

Report 2014/15 Attendance Overview Term 3 1-2-1 Analysis
Literacy Intervention Spelling July 2015 Numeracy Intervention
Analysis 2015
Vulnerable Groups Analysis 2015 HTLA Behaviour Intervention Analysis Ongoing Isolation Analysis 2014/15

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Literacy intervention – spelling intervention July 15

All of the pupils were tested using the WRAT test in September 14 and then retested in June 15. Out of 161 pupils, 60 pupils were identified for spelling intervention.


intervention number in group number improved % improved
whole group 161 96 60
skills group 35 23 66
HLTA sp group 18 14 78
SpLD sp intervention 7 4 57



  • The largest amount of improvement was seen in the group of pupils who received HLTA intervention.
  • There was also a noticeable improvement with pupils who had SpLD input, as these are the pupils who have significant difficulties with spelling.
  • 40% of the whole year group have not improved their spelling ability.




  • Increase the number of pupils who will receive HLTA group work regarding their spelling.
  • Improve the resources available to pupils with regards to spelling – e.g. games.
  • Identify the pupils who need SpLD input in September in year 7.
  • Identify the pupils who have not made progress with their spelling in year 7 so that they can get further intervention in year 8.