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Providing students with the best opportunities

10th November 2020

Dear Parents/Carers

Philips High School are committed to providing students with the best opportunities available to support them through their secondary education and beyond. Technology is increasingly used to provide learning opportunities, and as a means of communication. With this in mind we have created email addresses for each pupil which can be used to access approved internet-based study and to communicate with their teachers.

To ensure safeguarding measures are in place, pupils will not be able to email each other or external domains unless the domain has been approved. All email will be tracked through the school network to ensure the safety of your child.

To access their school email address, your child will need to login at Microsoft Office 365. Please follow the instructions on the reverse of this letter. Your child’s email address is their school username@philipshigh.co.uk. For example: 15asmith@philipshigh.co.uk. Their password is the same as the one used to access the school network.

If your child forgets their password, please go to https://www.philipshigh.co.uk/resetpassword and a new password will be sent to priority contact number one via a text message.

One of the ways in which we will be delivering online lessons over the next academic year, will be through Microsoft Teams. Your child will need their email address to access Microsoft Teams. Microsoft Teams is a remote learning environment, which allows students to communicate securely, share documents and complete online work. How to access Microsoft Teams is also on the back of this letter.

Yours sincerely


Ms T Owen                                                                 Mr C Hibbert

HEADTEACHER                                                       DEPUTY HEADTEACHER


Accessing your school email

The easiest way to access your school email is to visit the school website and then click the “Philips Email” link at the very top:

Alternatively visit https://outlook.office365.com

Either way, you will arrive at the following page:

Enter your email address; this is your school network username with @philipshigh.co.uk added to the end.


If you log on at school with 15ASmith

Your email address will be 15ASmith@philipshigh.co.uk

When you are asked to enter your password, enter the exact same password you would use to log in to the computers at school.

Accessing Microsoft Teams

When you are on your email, Click on the 9 small dots in

The top left hand corner.

The menu on the right will appear. Please select Microsoft Teams from the menu. Microsoft Teams is the remote learning platform which teachers will use to deliver interactive lessons.

When you log on to Teams, all your classes will be visible via the Teams link. When you have an online lesson, this is where the lesson will take place.

Microsoft Apps

The Microsoft office 365 App and Microsoft Teams App are both available to download on the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.
