The internet is large and constantly changing. It can be a challenge to keep up to date with your children and the technology they use, especially when they may have much better technical skills than you.
It can be difficult to know where to start – there are lots of sites you can look at to help you monitor your child’s internet use and keep them safe on-line. At Philips we recommend the following as a starting point (just click on the link to go to the home page):
thinkuknow: – The new 11-18s website offers information and guidance which is appropriate and relevant to the experiences of young people aged 11-18.
ECrime: – Website containing advice and practical information on cyber bullying, trolling, mobbing and all forms of online crime for adults and children alike.
CEOP: – Are you worried about online sexual abuse or the way someone has been communicating with you online? Make a report to one of CEOP’s Child Protection Advisors
Childnet: – Three resources that offer practical tips and advice on different aspects of keeping your child safe online.
Internet Watch Foundation: – You can anonymously and confidentially report: Child sexual abuse content and Non-photographic child sexual abuse images
Childline: – Removing a nude image shared online.
Use these guides to check how safe your social media account is: