Services Available
Bury Getting Help Line: All age free telephone service for residents of all ages in Bury who are experiencing difficulties with their wellbeing 0161 464 3679
Shout ‘Text’ Support: Free text service, for anyone in crisis, if you’re struggling to cope and you need immediate help text CONNECT to 85258
Bury Involvement Group (BIG): – a local charity for people aged 18 and over, who are experiencing mental health conditions
NHS Choices: – An information hub offering young people advice and help with mental health problems including depression, anxiety and stress.
Kooth Website: – A mental health and emotional well-being website for children and young people aged 11 – 25. It’s confidential, anonymous and free. Available up-to 10pm every day.
Apps Available
Clear Fear App: – developed to support young people dealing with anxiety and helps with reducing the physical responses to threat as well as changing thoughts and behaviours and releasing emotions.
Calm Harm App: – developed for teenage mental health. Calm Harm provides tasks to help you resist or manage the urge to self-harm. You can make it private by setting a password, and personalise the app if you so wish. You will be able to track your progress and notice change. Please note the app is an aid in treatment but does not replace it.
Healthy Young Minds: – Pennine Care’s Healthy Young Minds services provide targeted intervention service, delivered in the heart of our communities, which positively aims to promote the emotional and psychological wellbeing of our children and young people. Self Help Materials are available for both young people and parents.
Mood Tracker: – A website/app which lets you track moods and sleep patterns helping to manage depression, anxiety, or bipolar disorder.
Resources available
Anna Freud: – Advice for parents and carers with children struggling with their Mental Health
Papyrus: – We provide confidential support and advice to young people struggling with thoughts of suicide, and anyone worried about a young person through our helpline, HOPELINEUK (0800 068 41 41).
Top tips to Support young person’s Mental Health: – Advice for Parents and Carers on ways we can support children and young people to give them the best chance to stay mentally healthy
Anxiety in Young People: – A booklet for parents and carers wanting to know more about anxiety in young people.
Shining a Light on Suicide: – Bringing suicide out of the dark in Greater Manchester because it affects us all. Whether you’re feeling suicidal, worried someone else is, or have lost someone to suicide, you’re not alone. Whatever you’re going through, we’ll help you get the advice and support you need. (Call 116 123 – 24/7)
Anxiety Resources
Anxiety cycle, physiological response
Mindful response to thoughts
Helicopter view worksheet – seeing wider picture
Mindful observation of thoughts
The worry tree
Problem solving
Developmental trauma and attachment