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Books are just the beginning…


About the Library

Who are we?

Our Library is a vibrant and welcoming space for reading and working.

It is staffed by the Librarian, Miss Khan, and a team of Pupil Librarians in Years 8 – 10.

When are we open?

The Library is open every day for all year groups at break, lunchtime, and after school for Homework Club.

The Library is open after school until 4pm, Monday to Thursday, and 3.30pm on Fridays.

Pupils need a Library Pass to come to the Library at break and lunch. Please speak to Miss Khan. If you would like a Library Pass.

Library Clubs

There four clubs held in the Library, open to all year groups: Homework Club, Manga and Comics Club, Book Club, and Creative Writing Club.

Book Club – Friday Lunchtime (Week A)

Creative Writing Club – Friday Lunchtime (Week B)

Manga and Comics Club – Wednesday After School (3-4pm)

Homework Club – Every Day After School (3-4pm, 3-3.30pm on Fridays)


  • Pupils can borrow up to 3 items for up to 3 weeks.
  • Popular books can be reserved by pupils.
  • Books can be renewed for another 3 weeks if they have not been reserved by another pupil.
  • There are no fines for overdue books. However, if pupils get an overdue notice they should return their books as soon as possible.
  • If a book is lost, very badly damaged/unusable, or never returned, a replacement cost will be charged.


All pupils can borrow and read e-books online on a tablet, phone, or computer by logging into the e-book platform: https://philipshigh.eplatform.co/account/logon

Your User ID is your School ID, and the password is PHSLibrary

Pupil Librarians

Pupils in Years 7-9 can apply to be a Pupil Librarian at the end of the summer term, ready to begin Librarian duties in the following September. Pupil Librarians help to run the School

Library by assisting other pupils with enquiries, locating books, processing new books, and shelving.

For more information about the role of a Pupil Librarian and how to apply, please contact Miss Khan.


Every year we celebrate World Book Day and run events which encourage and promote reading for pleasure.

We have regular visits from authors, and have welcomed Tony Walsh and Danny Weston to our school.
