Home / Statutory Information

Statutory Information

Please find below, links to the key information about Philips High School, as recommended by the Department of Education (DfE):

1. Contact Details

2. Admission arrangements

3. School unifoms

4. Ofsted Reports

5. Test, exam and assessment results

6. Performance website (Links to Schools Performance website).

7. School opening times

8. Curriculum

9. Remote education

10. Behaviour policy

11. Pupil premium

12. Public sector equality duty

13. Special educational and disablity (SEND) information

14. Careers programme information

15. Complaints procedure

16. Governors’ information and duties

17. Financial information  (Links to Schools Financial Benchmarking website).
*The school has no employees with a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more.

18. Charging and remissions policies

19. Values and ethos

Request for paper copies
Please note : Paper copies of the information above are availble to parents and carers free of charge upon request.
