Mr C Hibbert – Headteacher
It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to Philips High School. I am extremely proud to be a member of the Philips High School community and work with so many talented young individuals. My vision is that our children receive the highest quality of education in a supportive, respectful and ambitious school environment.
Philips High School was originally founded as a Grammar school in 1688 and to this day has retained some of the nostalgia, charm and high academic standards of the old school. When you first visit Philips High School, you immediately sense the warm welcoming atmosphere from our pupils and staff. This wonderful, vibrant community is a great place to learn and achieve. It is hard to find a school that educates the whole person both academically and pastorally.
The former Grammar school building and first-class facilities provide a stimulating environment that is both distinctive and inspirational. Our curriculum is both broad and ambitious, rooted in unrivalled holistic excellence. We place equal importance on performing arts, the creative subjects, technology, academia and sport through a vast range of experiences both inside and outside of the classroom. This fosters happy, confident and well-rounded young people.
Over the last few years, Philips High School has become a high achieving and successful learning community. The staff go above and beyond, ensuring that our collaborative, respectful and aspirational values permeate all aspects of our school. This enables our pupils to make consistently strong progress across the curriculum and develop themselves as individuals ready for the future.
We are a caring community; providing high challenge as well as significant support for our pupils. Everyone is welcome at Philips and our core values of Success, Together, Aspire, Respect (STAR) are embedded into the heart of our school.
I am committed to working in partnership with parents and know that by working together we will ensure that every child enjoys school, is happy, safe and have the opportunity to thrive and achieve their best.
It is the quality of the relationships and the personalised approach that makes Philips High School successful. Our students are at the heart of everything we do; they enjoy school, are fulfilled, aspirational and form lifelong friendships.
Mr. C Hibbert BA(Hons), MSc, NPQH