PHS GB Sub – Committees’ Membership.
Personnel Committee Curriculum
Mr D Russell Ms S Kayani
Ms S Kayani Mr J Mallon
Mr D Evans Mr D Evans
Mr R. Bernstein Mr R Bernstein (Chair)
Ms T Owen Ms T Owen
Mr J. Mallon (Chair) Ms K. Dawson
Mrs L. Gibbons.
Mr Dov Benyaacov-Kurtzman.
Ms K. Dawson
Finance and General Purpose
Mr D Evans: Vice CoG and Safeguarding
Mrs R Taylor: School Business Manager
Ms T. Owen: Headteacher
Mr J. Mallon: Chair of the Personnel Sub-Committee and Chair of Governors
Mrs H. Watson: Health & Safety Link Governor and SEND Link Governor
Mr R. Bernstein: Chair of the Curriculum Sub-Committee
Mrs. L. Gibbons. Chair of F&GP and Finance Link Governor.
Staff Hearings, Dismissal Appeals and Pupil Discipline Committees
The Governors determined these Committees would be made up from a panel of any available, Non – School/LA Employee Governors.
Complaints Appeals Committee
The Governors determined that this Committee would be made up from a panel of any available, Non – School/LA Employee Governors. Membership is dependent on no prior knowledge of the Case being heard.
The Governing Body Chair is excluded from selection to this Committee due to having prior knowledge of the Case being heard – see the School’s Complaints Procedure Procedure.