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It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to Philips High School. It is my privilege to continue to lead the School in building upon its strengths, raising achievement and improving the quality of teaching. By focussing on the things that matter most and working together as a team we can continue to achieve great things.

Over the last few years Philips High School has undergone a transformation becoming a high achieving and successful learning community, School that ensures that the school’s collaborative, respectful and aspirational values permeate all aspects of its work with Pupils, making consistently strong progress across the curriculum and throughout the school.

We are a caring and supportive community providing high challenge as well as significant support for our students. We welcome everybody and our core values remain the same, Success, Together, Aspire, Respect (STAR).

Please take the time to read through our termly Newsletters which can be accessed here which will bring you up to date with all the current news and information in respect of our school.

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