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Exam Results 2014


Statutory Data plus Core Subjects

At Philips High School the core subjects in addition to Option chices that every student takes are English, Maths, two Sciences (in some cases three) and ICT. The results were as follows:-

Subject National Average % Philips High School %
5A* – C with English & Maths 53.1 57
5A* – C 64.4 74
E-Bacc 22.2 32
Maths – A* – C 64.3 69
Maths – 3 + levels progress 61
English – A* – C 66.2 64*remarks being undertaken
English – 3 + levels progress 66
ICT – A*- C 69.5 79.1


There are three Science areas:-

  • The three separate Science Course
  • The Core and Additional Group
  • The BTEC Groups

The first of these is designed to provide pupils with qualifications in the three separate sciences and the latter two with two separate Sciences, albeit in a small number of cases this was largely affected by college timetables.

Three Separate Sciences

There was a 100% pass rate in this area but more importantly there were significant numbers of pupils who gained A and A* in each.  27 pupils took three separate Sciences.  All gained an A* to C (ie. 100%).

Subject National Average % A* – C Philips High School % A* – C
Biology 90.3 100
Chemistry 90.7 100
Physics 91.3 100

Core & Additional Science

In the Core and Additional the figures were as follows:-

Subject National Average % A* – C Philips High School % A* – C
Core 59.1 94.87
Additional 65.2 93.3


Subject National Average % A* – C Philips High School % A* – C
Science BTEC Applied No figures supplied 86
Science BTEC Principles No figures supplied 100

All these statistics given are well above the national average.   It means that 95% of our students gained at least two A* to C Grades in Science.

Ms T Owen.

