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Educational Visits – Terms and Conditions

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Philips 01Philips High School
Educational Visits – Terms and Conditions



(Chair of Governing Body)


Teachers’ roles and responsibilities

It should be clearly understood and accepted by any parent/carer requesting permission for their child to be involved in a school trip that the teachers responsible for running that trip and ensuring the wellbeing of the young people on it are in full “loco parentis”; that is, they are in effect acting as parents.

In doing so it should be remembered that any member of staff undertaking the trip is not on a holiday themselves but are, in effect, taking on additional responsibilities.  This includes not only the efficient organisation of the trip and the ensuring of the wellbeing of the young people on it, but also working to try and ensure that the reputation of both the individuals on it and of the school as a whole, should be maintained in a positive light with regard to anyone or any organisation with whom we work.

Therefore the following conditions apply:


  1. Parents have a responsibility to ensure that all necessary documentation, medical information and advice regarding how to deal with both medical conditions and disabilities are given to the staff involved, by the dates required.
  1. The young person undertaking the trip will have to self-administer any medication. The responsibility for looking after this is primarily that of the child but in certain circumstances members of staff will arrange for it to be put in a secure place in a hotel and instructions given to the hotel as to the exact terms of how and when the medication is to be administered and thus the number of times the pupil should request it.
  1. Staff will make sure that all pupils must comply with the health and safety requirements of any place that is visited (i.e. the hotel or place at which they are staying) and of specific instructions regarding road safety and other aspects of safety that teachers recognise as being potentially at risk (see teacher’s role with regard to this).
  1. Pupils and parents must accept that where a pupil behaves in a way that shows clear disregard for their own health and safety then the staff responsible for the trip may invoke disciplinary procedures to ensure that the risk is minimised.

General behaviour in public places and in places in which pupils reside

  1. Pupils must at all times show respect for the privacy and the right to non-interference of other young people on the trip.
  1. The same applies to their attitude to staff who they should talk to in a courteous and respectful manner.
  1. This applies to any staff at the places they stay in or they visit.
  1. They should be mindful of the fact that members of the public who are not connected with the school may be present when they are in residence or on a visit. They should try to ensure that their behaviour meets the requirements of the places they are staying in or visiting – at least in terms of allowing other people to get the full benefit of their stay or their visit.
  1. Pupils should listen carefully to and respond appropriately to the advice and guidance and expectations that staff will give to them.

Please note:-

Sometimes when abroad, English students are subject to abuse and other unpleasantries from the population of the Town and Country in which they are visiting.  They should report such actions on the part of local residents to the members of staff immediately and not try to take the situation into their own hands.  This is particularly the case with female pupils.  Again, advice will be given by teachers on this subject.

General demeanour and appearance

  1. Pupils should, at all times, dress appropriately for the events/places in which they are to participate and/or visit. This includes the wearing of appropriate footwear, safety equipment and other measures undertaken in the interest of health and safety.  In other respects, depending on the nature of the event they are attending, dress should reflect recognition of the anticipated atmosphere of such an event.
  1. Staff will give clear guidance as per the note on teacher responsibilities and actions.

Pupils on journeys

  1. Pupils should respect the fact that any means of transport that they use are also used by other people and their behaviour should respect that fact as well as ensuring that such issues as littering, speaking appropriately both in terms of what they say and the volume in which it is said, are as they would wish from other people.
  1. Requests to tidy up their litter on coaches etc. should be responded to positively and promptly.
  1. Pupils should be mindful on any form of public or other form of transport of those who have disabilities and/or mobility problems and be prepared to give up seats etc. for them as appropriate.

Security of personal possessions

  1. Pupils should minimise the risk to any personal possessions they own by considering carefully how necessary it is to bring them on the event or trip.
  1. Possessions should always be secured in their own luggage when not in use and using sufficient locks or other means to enhance security.
  1. Pupils should always be mindful of the need to lock rooms when they vacate the room to go on trips, meals etc.