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Department Page – Character



Curriculum Intent:

Character lessons form part of our personal development curriculum. Character lessons have been developed to support our pupils to go ‘the extra mile’ by developing their skills, and making them aware of the risks and consequences of the choices they make in their lives to remain physically and mentally healthy. All pupils in Y7- Y9 receive weekly Character lessons which focus on leadership, organisation, resilience, initiative and communication skills (LORIC), community cohesion (kindness, respect and living without harm), oracy, wellbeing, e-safety, careers, RSHE and RE. In KS4 pupil either have weekly lessons or for pupils in the Aspire pathway, compulsory elements are delivered on additional drop-down days. Through Character education we aim to give them the skills and attributes to be successful in life whichever path they may take. At Philips High School we believe character education can greatly support students with their academic subjects as well. Through the teaching of core values such as respect, resilience and initiative, pupils will learn how to focus on their studies, and more importantly they will have the drive that will make them want to do well in their academic subjects also.

Please see the learning journey below for information on topics covered.

As of September 2020 our RSHE curriculum follows the iAchieve RSHE programme, delivered in Character lessons, which has been created to cover all the mandatory requirements. Pupils will still have this learning supported by form time activities and external visitors on Drop Down Days to ensure a rich coverage of topics and time for key messages to be embedded. Please see our RSE Policy for further information.


Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11
Understand how I manage influences on my relationships.

Understand how respect impacts on relationships.

Understand that the choices I make affect my relationships, health and future.

Understand how to be healthy.

Understand what can make a relationship healthy or unhealthy.

Understand the range of changes which are preparing me for adulthood.

Understand how to identify influences and differences and use these positively in my relationships.

Understand how respect and equality, or the lack of these, affects relationships.

Understand that choices I make now can affect my future.

Understand how to manage risks to my health and wellbeing.

Understand how to recognise and manage the internal and external influences on my relationships.

Understand factors that can make an intimate

relationship happy and healthy.

Understand how the choices I make and the risks I take impact on my health and relationships.

Understand how prejudice, discrimination and bullying can arise and how these can affect mental health.

Understand my own mental health and how to recognise signs of mental ill-health in myself and others.

Understand how substances can affect wellbeing.

Understand that respect and choice underpin healthy intimate relationships.

Understand how change can affect mental health.

Understand how to be safe in my online and offline relationships.

Understand how equality and inequality can affect relationships.

Understand how relationships and being part of a community can support people.

Understand how to take responsibility for my health and for preventing future health problems.

Understand the importance of love, trust and respect in intimate relationships and what can happen when these are missing.

Understand that change can feel positive and negative.

Understand some of the rights and responsibilities that affect me, including preserving life and helping others.

Understand what I need to do to achieve successful health, relationships and life goals.

Understand the importance of sexual and reproductive health.

Understand that relationships are influenced by personal identity.


For Additional information please contact Mrs R Williams
