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Coping with exam stress

Dear parent/carer,

As the exam season approaches we are acutely aware that the pressure on your young people is at a high.

☞ PDF – Kooth Coping with exam stress guide – View Document ☜

Over the last academic year, an Engagement Lead for Kooth Digital Health has been working closely with staff in school to deliver training on all aspects of how Kooth works and supports your child. As well as all students having the opportunity to hear much more about Kooth and how its services can support them, a range of physical and digital promotional resources are being used around school to promote the service & remind students that Kooth is here to help 24/7, 365 days of the year via its easy to access website www.kooth.com

But as we appreciate this period can be a challenge for you too, did you know that there was also similar support in place for Parents & Carers across Greater Manchester.

Qwell.io is a safe, free & anonymous online mental health service available for adults. Fully funded and endorsed by the GM Integrated Care Board in effort to provide access to early intervention and mental health support, it has been commissioned for adults aged 18+.

Adults can access Qwell.io for free. It is accredited by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) and delivered by Kooth Digital Health, the UK’s largest digital mental health provider.

With no waiting lists, no referrals and no thresholds for accessing support, adults can access personalised support & self-help tools, alongside a team of BACP-accredited counsellors. Qwell’s qualified therapists are online 365 days a year. Monday to Friday, from midday until 10 pm and on weekends, 6 pm until 10 pm.

Similarly to the young person’s service www.kooth.com, there is no threshold, waiting list or referral process. Adults can access support for ANY issues they may be experiencing with no judgement. These may include but are not limited to; stress & anxiety, self-esteem, bereavement, family breakdown, substance misuse, cost of living concerns, suicidal thoughts, friendships, work-related stress etc.

Kooth Digital Health delivers 1000’s of counselling sessions each year in Local Authorities across the UK.  As 50% of referrals to CAMHS are deemed inappropriate to their criteria, Kooth gives schools, professionals and families an alternative way of ensuring they can access free support when they need it, in a way that they find comfortable to access, via internet-enabled devices. It is great that Greater Manchester is now able to offer a similar avenue of support for adults, too.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss what Qwell.io or Kooth.com can offer, please, simply email parents@kooth.com.

Kind Regards

Ryan Whittaker
Senior Kooth Engagement Lead for Greater Manchester

