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Philips High School has adopted the ‘Winston’s Wish Charter for bereaved children and young people’.

The following is the philosophy of this charter, however a copy of the full bereavement policy can be found in the policy section of the website.

B Bereavement support

Bereaved children need to receive support from their family, from their school and from important people around them. We will signpost them to specialist support if needed.

E Express feelings and thoughts

We will help bereaved children to find appropriate ways to express all their feelings and thoughts associated with grief, such as sadness, anxiety, confusion, anger and guilt.

R Remember the person who has died

We understand that bereaved children have the right to remember the person who has died for the rest of their lives. We will support them to share special and difficult memories.

E Education and information

All children, particularly bereaved children, are entitled to receive answers to their questions. They also need information that clearly explains what has happened, why it has happened and what will be happening. We will strive to enable children to have their questions answered, through the PSHE curriculum, on an individual basis, working with parents and carers or through support services.

A Appropriate response from schools and colleges

Bereaved children need understanding and support from their teachers and fellow students without having to ask for it. We will provide training to ensure this happens.

V Voice in important decisions

We will work with families to encourage them to involve bereaved children in important decisions that have an impact on their lives such as planning the funeral and remembering anniversaries.

E Enjoyment

We will support the bereaved child’s right to enjoy their lives even though someone important has died.

M Meet others

We will try where possible to enable bereaved children to benefit from the opportunity to meet other children who have had similar experiences.

E Established routines

We will endeavour, whenever possible, to enable bereaved children to continue activities and interests so that parts of their lives can still feel ‘normal’.

N Not to blame

We will help bereaved children to understand that they are not responsible, and not to blame, for the death.

T Tell the story

We will encourage bereaved children to tell an accurate and coherent story of what has happened. We know this is helpful to them particularly if these stories are heard by those important people in their lives.

Services Available

Winston’s Wish:
www.winstonswish.org – Free Helpline (08088 020 021) to support bereaved children and young people. Open Mon-Fri (9am – 5pm)

Child Bereavement UK:
www.childbereavementuk.org – Support for families or when a child is facing bereavement. Free Helpline (0800 02 888 40). Open Mon-Fri (9am-5pm)

Early Break:
https://earlybreak.co.uk/what-we-do/emotional-health-wellbeing-services/bereavement-and-loss-counselling-2-2/  – Bereavement and Loss Counselling Referrals for counselling (aged 5+) can be made via Healthy Young Minds in Bury by telephoning 0161 716 1100.

Greater Manchester Bereavement Service:
https://greater-manchester-bereavement-service.org.uk/ Support is available to anyone within Greater Manchester, bereaved or affected by a death. Call this service on 0161 983 0902.
