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Attendance and Punctuality overview – term 3 (July 2015)
Total attendance for the Summer term was 95.77% (the average of schools nationally is 94.9%). All figures are compared with Autumn 14 (term 1). The year group with the best attendance is year 10 and the worst is year 8.The categories used as a measure are for attendance – below 95, 90 and 85% and for punctuality – below 1, 2 and 5% lates.
Year 7
Attendance: Compared to year 7 in the Spring term, the number of pupils who are below 85, 90 and 95% has decreased. When the vulnerable groups are checked, it can be seen that the attendance of middle, upper, eth and boys have also improved in all attendance categories. There are fewer lower pupils below 95%, however there is an increase below 90 and 85%. There are fewer girls with attendance below 85 and 90%. There are a higher number of PP pupils in all attendance categories. There are more SEN pupils below 95% and more lower pupils below 90 and 85%. The groups causing concern with regard to attendance in year 7 are PP, SEN and lower ability pupils.
Punctuality: There has been a significant improvement in the punctuality of all pupils in all groups in the category below 1%. There are slight improvements in categories below 2%. There is a slight increase in the numbers of boys, girls, PP and upper pupils below 5%, however the rest of the groups remained the same.
Year 8
Attendance: The number of pupils below 95% has increased for the whole year group and for all identified groups except middle ability pupils and Eth. There is a slight decrease in the number of pupils who are below 85% for all groups. Intervention is needed for the whole year group, particularly the boys.
Punctuality: There has been a significant improvement in the punctuality of all pupils in the category below 1% for all groups. Below 5%, there has also been a slight improvement in all groups.
Year 9
Attendance: There has been a decrease in the number of PP pupils with attendance below 95% and a decrease in the number of pupils in the whole year group with attendance below 85 and 90%. There are fewer lower ability pupils with attendance below 85%. There is a slight increase in the number of PP pupils with below 85% attendance and the number of SEN pupils below 95% attendance. There is an increase in the number of boys, girls and upper ability pupils below 85%. The concern categories are boys, girls, PP, SEN and upper.
Punctuality: There is a significant reduction in the numbers of pupils with punctuality issues from all groups under all of the punctuality categories.
Year 10
Attendance: For all groups and for the whole year group there are fewer pupils with attendance below 95%, except middle ability pupils. There is an increase in the number of pupils in the whole year below 90% and a decrease in the whole year below 85%, this suggests positive impact made on those below 85%. The concern category is middle ability pupils.
Punctuality: There is a significant reduction in the numbers of pupils with punctuality issues from all groups under all of the punctuality categories.
Year 11
Attendance: There has been a significant decrease in the numbers of pupils with attendance issues below 95, 90 and 85% for the whole year group and for individual groups.
Punctuality: There is a significant reduction in the numbers of pupils with punctuality issues from all groups under all of the punctuality categories.
Attendance is still good; there has been an increase in attendance for pupils in all year groups. The year group with the best attendance being year 10 and the year group needing more intervention next year is group 8 going on 9. There are fewer pupils with attendance issues below 85%, which highlights the impact of the interventions for pupils with significantly poor attendance.
The school has very good strategies in place for improving punctuality to school, these strategies have shown positive impact for all pupils in all of the groups in all year groups . The year groups which need particular highlighting next academic year are year 7 into 8 and year 8 into 9.
Trend for boys and PP
The Spring term 15 was compared to Summer term 15 for boys and PP pupils for attendance below 95%.
The year group with the worst attendance for boys continues to be year 9 and the year group with the worst attendance for PP is also year 9. There is a positive trend when the averages are compared, improvements for boys can be seen in year 7, 10 and 11 and for PP in year 7, 9, 10 and 11.
Boys | PP | |||
Spring | Summer | Spring | Summer | |
7 | 18.54 | 16 | 14.04 | 13 |
8 | 12.64 | 16 | 11.49 | 12 |
9 | 18.86 | 19 | 16 | 14 |
10 | 15.88 | 15 | 16.47 | 12 |
11 | 10.25 | 5 | 18.58 | 8 |
average | 15.23 | 14.2 | 15.32 | 11.8 |
- In year 7 into 8, actions for attendance are needed for PP, SEN and lower ability pupils. In terms of punctuality, strategies need to be aimed at boys, girls, PP and upper pupils below 5%.
- In year 8 into 9, actions for attendance are needed for all pupils below 95% attendance, in particular boys and PP. In terms of punctuality, strategies are needed for all pupils below 5%.
- In year 9 into 10 actions for attendance are needed for boys, girls, PP, SEN and upper pupils. In terms of punctuality, interventions need to continue for all groups in order to maintain positive impact.
- In year 10 into 11 actions for attendance are needed for pupils below 90% attendance and middle ability pupils. In terms of punctuality, interventions need to continue for all groups in order to maintain positive impact.
- For the new year 7 pupils, an assembly will be undertaken to explain the attendance and punctuality procedures.
- Interventions currently being undertaken to continue, with particular action for the vulnerable groups identified for each year group.
- Tracking for patterns to continue.
- HofY to be informed about punctuality and attendance issues, with a view to implementing further strategies with pupils in their year groups.
- Additional attendance officer support next academic year to support further improvement with attendance and punctuality.
- An overhaul of the detention system, to involve all staff and SLT.
- Further discussions with the attendance officer with regard to whole school and vulnerable group interventions.
- Strategies for CYPIC pupils to continue.
- Interventions will be more carefully tracked from September 15, the impact of these will be analysed termly.