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Computing – Tracking Progress

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Assessing Pupils’ Progress in Computing at Key Stage 3

Assessment Criteria: Computing

AF1 – Planning, developing and being safe AF2 – Computation, reasoning and programming AF3 – Use Technology Purposefully
Exceptional Performance Pupils can recognise similarities between more complex problems, and are able to produce a general model that fits aspects of them all.  Pupils competently and confidently use a general-purpose text-based programming language to produce solutions for problems using code efficiently.


You can demonstrate that you can:

  • Plan how you will use ICT to complete a task
  • recognise common uses of information technology in  school
  • Can identify key computer peripherals and describe their purpose
  • use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private; identify where to go for help and support when they have concerns about content or contact on the internet or other online technologies
You can demonstrate that can:

  • understand what algorithms are, how they are implemented as programs on digital devices, and that programs execute by following precise and unambiguous instructions
  • create and debug simple programs
  • use logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of simple programs
  • Plan a linear sequence of instructions
  • Develop and improve programs
  • Pupils plan a linear (non-branching) sequence of instructions.
  • Pupils give a linear sequence of instructions to make things happen.
  • Pupils develop and improve their instructions.
  • Pupils present data in a systematic way.
You can demonstrate that can:

  • use technology purposefully to create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content
  • Can identify suitable information to present.
  • Identify ways they can keep themselves safe i.n a digital society
  • Show understanding and knowledge of some important people and events in the history of computing.


You can demonstrate that you can:

  • Plan ways to use ICT to bring together information from different places or in different formats
  • Explain how successful your work has been
  • recognise common uses of information technology beyond  school and Can classify devices in terms of input and output.
  • use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly; recognise acceptable/unacceptable behaviour; identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact
You can demonstrate that you can:

  • design, write and debug programs that accomplish specific goals, including controlling or simulating physical systems; solve problems by decomposing them into smaller parts
  • use sequence, selection, and repetition in programs; work with variables and various forms of input and output
  • use logical reasoning to explain how some simple algorithms work and to detect and correct errors in algorithms and programs
  • understand computer networks, including the internet; how they can provide multiple services, such as the World Wide Web, and the opportunities they offer for communication and collaboration
  • Pupils analyse and represent symbolically a sequence of events.
  • Pupils recognise different types of data: text; number; instruction.
  • Present simple algorithms diagrammatically.
  • Pupils understand the need for care and precision of syntax and typography in giving instructions.
  • Pupils can ‘think through’ an algorithm and predict an output.
  • Pupils can present data in a structured format suitable for processing.
You can demonstrate that can:

  • use search technologies effectively, appreciate how results are selected and ranked, and be discerning in evaluating digital content
  • select, use and combine a variety of software (including internet services) on a range of digital devices to design and create a range of programs, systems and content that accomplish given goals, including collecting, analysing, evaluating and presenting data and information.


You can demonstrate that you can:

  • Use a range of tools and techniques to organise solutions to a problem
  • Judge how successful your work has been in achieving your goal, and identify ways in which you could improve it
  • Identify the advantages an disadvantages of using technology both inside and outside school
  • Identify internal and external components within a computer system and describe their purpose.
  • Explain the similarities and differences between computerised everyday devices.
  • understand a range of ways to use technology safely, respectfully, responsibly and securely, including protecting their online identity and privacy; recognise inappropriate content, contact and conduct, and know how to report concerns
You can demonstrate that can:

  • design, use and evaluate computational abstractions that model the state and behaviour of real-world problems and physical systems
  • Pupils partially decompose a problem into its sub-problems and make use of a notation to represent it.
  • Pupils analyse and present an algorithm for a given task.
  • Pupils recognise similarities between simple problems and the commonality in the algorithms used to solve them.
  • understand two key algorithms that reflect computational thinking [for example, ones for sorting and searching];
  • use a programming language (script , visual or  text based), to solve a a computational problem;
  • understand simple Boolean logic [for example, AND, OR and NOT] and some of its uses in circuits and programming; understand how numbers can be represented in binary,
  • understand the hardware and software components that make up computer systems,
  • understand how instructions are stored and executed within a computer system; understand how data of various types (including text, sounds and pictures) can be represented and manipulated digitally, in the form of binary digits
  • Pupils explore the effects of changing the variables in a model or program.
  • Pupils develop, try out and refine sequences of instructions, and show efficiency in framing these instructions. They are able to reflect critically on their programs in order to make improvements in subsequent programming exercises.
  • Pupils are able to make use of procedures without parameters in their programs; Pupils will also be able to manipulate strings and select appropriate data types.
You can demonstrate that can:

  • undertake creative projects that involve selecting, using, and combining multiple applications, preferably across a range of devices, to achieve challenging goals, including collecting and analysing data and meeting the needs of known users
  • create, reuse, revise and repurpose digital artefacts for a given audience, with attention to trustworthiness, design and usability
  • use search technologies effectively, appreciate how results are selected and ranked, and be discerning in evaluating digital content
  • select, use and combine a variety of software (including internet services) on a range of digital devices to design and create a range of programs, systems and content that accomplish given goals, including collecting, analysing, evaluating and presenting data and information.


You can demonstrate that you can:

  • Plan and develop ways to solve problems using different  tools and techniques efficiently
  • Use success criteria and feedback to improve the effectiveness of your solution
  • understand how changes in technology affect safety, including new ways to protect their online privacy and identity, and how to report a range of concerns
You can demonstrate that can:

  • Efficiently design, use and evaluation of computational abstractions that model the state and behaviour of real-world problems and physical systems
  • understand several key algorithms that reflect computational thinking [for example, ones for sorting and searching]; use logical reasoning to compare the utility of alternative algorithms for the same problem
  • use 2 or more programming languages, at least one of which is textual, to solve a variety of computational problems;
  • understand simple Boolean logic [for example, AND, OR and NOT] and some of its uses in circuits and programming; understand how numbers can be represented in binary, and be able to carry out simple operations on binary numbers [for example, binary addition]
  • understand the hardware and software components that make up computer systems, and how they communicate with one another and with other systems
  • understand how instructions are stored understand how data of various types (including text, sounds and pictures) can be represented and manipulated digitally, in the form of binary digits and executed within a computer system;
You can demonstrate that can:

  • Use complex searches, filters, and other methods to find the answers you need from a set of data or information bank
  • Explain the choices you have made when presenting information for different purposes or audiences
  • undertake creative projects that involve selecting, using, and combining multiple applications, preferably across a range of devices, to achieve challenging goals, including collecting and analysing data and meeting the needs of known users
  • create, reuse, revise and repurpose digital artefacts for a given audience, with attention to trustworthiness, design and usability
  • use search technologies effectively, appreciate how results are selected and ranked, and be discerning in evaluating digital content
  • select, use and combine a variety of software (including internet services) on a range of digital devices to design and create a range of programs, systems and content that accomplish given goals, including collecting, analysing, evaluating and presenting data and information
  • Pupils describe more complex algorithms, for example, sorting or searching algorithms.
  • Pupils can describe systems and their components using diagrams.
  • Pupils can fully decompose a problem into its sub-problems and can make use of a notation to represent it.
  • Pupils can recognise similarities in given simple problems and able to produce a model which fits some aspects of these problems.
  • Pupils use programming interfaces to make predictions and vary the rules within the programs. Pupils assess the validity of their programs by considering or comparing alternative solutions.
  • Pupils are capable of independently writing a short program.
  • Pupils make use of procedures with parameters and functions returning values in their programs and are also able to manipulate 1-dimensional arrays.


You can demonstrate that you can:

  • Design and plan a  system by:
  • Selecting which information is relevant, and ensuring that it is useful and efficient
  • devising and applying success criteria to ensure a quality solution, refining work as it progresses
  • identifying the advantages and limitations of the system
  • understand how changes in technology affect safety, including new ways to protect their online privacy and identity, and how to report a range of concerns
You can demonstrate that you can:

  • Efficiently design, use and evaluation of computational abstractions that model the state and behaviour of real-world problems and physical systems
  • understand several key algorithms that reflect computational thinking [for example, ones for sorting and searching]; use logical reasoning to compare the utility of alternative algorithms for the same problem
  • use 2 or more programming languages, at least one of which is textual, to solve a variety of computational problems; make appropriate use of data structures [for example, lists, tables or arrays]; design and develop modular programs that use procedures or functions
  • understand simple Boolean logic [for example, AND, OR and NOT] and some of its uses in circuits and programming; understand how numbers can be represented in binary, and be able to carry out simple operations on binary numbers [for example, binary addition, and conversion between binary and decimal]
  • understand the hardware and software components that make up computer systems, and how they communicate with one another and with other systems
  • understand how instructions are stored and executed within a computer system; understand how data of various types (including text, sounds and pictures) can be represented and manipulated digitally, in the form of binary digits
You can demonstrate that you can:

  • Develop an appropriate user interface for an ICT based system which:
  • enables efficient data input
  • displays system outcomes that are fit for purpose and audience


You can demonstrate that you can:

  • Design and implement integrated systems for others to use which:
  •  meet the needs of the user
  • take account of ease of use
  • collect, process and prepare information for processing efficiently
  • automate dataflow through the system
  • include an appropriate interface between the system and the user
  • use appropriate ICT tools and techniques
  • integrate evaluation into the development process to inform subsequent refinements
  • understand how changes in technology affect safety, including new ways to protect their online privacy and identity, and how to report a range of concerns.  Consider the use of online technology to support learning and your own reputation online
You can demonstrate that you can:

  • develop and apply their analytic, problem-solving, design, and computational thinking skills (including developing the competencies and concepts  from  level 7 in across a range of contexts)
You can demonstrate that you can:

  • develop their capability, creativity and knowledge in computer science, digital media and information technology   (including developing the competencies and concepts  from  level 7 in across a range of contexts)

How to assess computing

Schools are being encouraged to adapt and use their own levels to support progress and marking of work.

This document has been put together by Surrey LA advisors and using the fantastic work of others in the CAS community but should be adapted for your school curriculum and circumstance.

We are suggesting the use of these in a similar methodology as APP so levelling by:

  • Firstly best fit based on focus 1 which is the nature of the activity.
  • Secondly the sub-level based on how well the fit for that level is (over 50% 4b, over 85% 4a)

Please adapt and comment as you see fit however ensure that the student has hit a range of competencies and remember that it may not be possible to level one small piece of work accurately.

Progress by concept

Computing – ALGORITHMS
KS4 4.4  Different algorithms may have different performance characteristics for the same task.
4.3  The design of algorithms includes the ability to easily re-author, validate, test and correct the resulting code.
4.2  Familiarity with several key algorithms (searching and sorting).
4.1  The choice of an algorithm should be influenced by the data structure and data values that need to be manipulated.
KS3 3.4  The need for accuracy of both algorithm and data (data verification; garbage in / garbage out).
3.3  The choice of an algorithm to solve a problem is driven by what is required of the solution (e.g. code complexity, memory required, data sources, etc.).
3.2  A single problem may be solved by several different algorithms.
3.1  An algorithm is a sequence of precise steps to solve a given problem.
KS2 2.6  It can be easier to plan, test and correct parts of an algorithm separately.
2.5  Algorithms are developed according to a plan and then tested.  These are then corrected if they fail these tests.
2.4  Algorithms should be stated without ambiguity with care and precision necessary to avoid errors in execution.
2.3  Algorithms may be decomposed into component parts (procedures), each of which itself contains an algorithm.
2.2  Algorithms can include selection (If) and repetition (Loops).
2.1  Algorithms can be represented symbolically or using instructions in a clearly defined language.
KS1 1.5  Steps can be repeated and some steps can be made up of smaller steps.
1.4  Computers need more precise instructions than humans do.
1.3  Can describe everyday activities and can be followed by humans and computers.
1.2  Can be represented in simple formats (e.g. storyboards and narrative text).
1.1  Are sets of instructions for achieving goals, made up of pre-defined steps.


Computer Science – COMPUTERS
KS4 4.4  Operating systems (control which programs run, and provide the filing system) and virtual machines.
4.3  Compilers and interpreters (what they are; not how to build them).
4.2  Von Neumann architecture: CPU, memory, addressing, the fetch-execute cycle and low-level instructions; Assembly code [Littleman computer].
4.1  Logic gates: AND / OR / NOT. Circuits that add. Flip-flops, registers (* *).
KS3 3.3  Computers can ‘mimic’ doing more than one task at a time by switching very rapidly between such tasks.
3.2  Moore’s Law: “Computers are very fast, and getting faster all the time…”
3.1  Basic architecture of a computer system.
KS2 2.8  Social and ethical issues raised by the role of computers in our lives.
2.7  Users can prevent or fix problems  that occur with computers e.g. connecting hardware, protection against viruses.
2.6  A variety of operating systems and application software is typically available for the same hardware.
2.5  Both the OS and the application software store data in memory and a file system e.g. DSLRs, smartphones.
2.4  Computers consist of a number of hardware components each with a specific role e.g. CPU, memory, hard disk, etc.
2.3  The OS is software that manages the relationship between the application software and the hardware.
2.2  Application software is a computer program designed to perform user tasks.
2.1  Computers are devices for executing programs.
KS1 1.3  Computers are electronic devices using stored sequences of instructions.
1.2  Computers typically accept input and produce outputs, with examples of each in the context of PCs.
1.1  Many everyday devices now contain computers e.g. washing machine.


KS4 4.7  Client / server model.
4.6  MAC address, IP address, Domain Name Services, Cookies.
4.5  Some “real” protocol e.g. use Telnet to interact with an HTTP server.
4.4  Routing.
4.3  Deadlock and livelock.
4.2 Redundancy and error correction.
4.1  Encryption and security.
KS3 3.4  How data is transported over the Internet:
3.4.2  Packets and packet switching.
3.4.1  Simple protocols.
3.3  How search engines work and how to search effectively. Advance search queries with Boolean operators.
3.2  An end-to-end understanding of what happens when a user requests a web page in a browser, including:
3.2.5  Browser and server exchange messages over the network.
3.2.4  What is in the messages [http request, and HTML].
3.2.3  The structure of a web page – HTML, style sheets, hyperlinking to resources.
3.2.2  What the server does [fetch the file and send it back].
3.2.1  What the browser does [interpret the file, fetch others, and display the lot].
3.1  A network is a collection of computers working together.
KS2 2.7  Issues of safety and security from a technical perspective.
2.6  The role of search engines in allowing users to find specific web pages and a basic understanding of how results may be ranked.
2.5  The format of URLs.
2.4  The relationships between web servers, web browsers, web sites and web pages.
2.3  The Internet supports multiple services e.g. the Web, e-mail, VoIP.
2.2  Connections can be made using a range of technologies e.g. network cables, telephone lines, Wi-Fi, mobile signals, carrier pigeons.
2.1  The internet is a collection of computers connected together sharing the same way of communicating.
KS1 1.4  Enter a website address to view a specific website and navigate using hyperlinks.
1.3  Each website has a unique name.
1.2  A web browser is a program used to view pages.
1.1  The World Wide Web contains a vast amount of information.


Computing – Representation of data
KS4 4.1  Problems of using discrete binary representations:
4.1.3  Quantization: digital representations cannot represent analogue signals with complete accuracy.
4.1.2  Sampling frequency: digital representations cannot represent continuous space or time.
4.1.1  Representing fractional numbers.
4.4  Data compression; lossless and lossy compression algorithms e.g. JPEG.
4.3  String manipulation.
4.2  Two’s complement signed integers.
4.1  Hexadecimal.
KS3 3.6  Different representations suit different purposes e.g. searching, editing, size and fidelity.
3.5  There are many different formats for representing a single entity in a computer system e.g. a scanned image of the
musical score held as pixels, a MIDI file of the notes, a WAV / MP3 file of a performance.
3.4  What we perceive in the human world is not the same as what computers manipulate, and translation in both
directions is required e.g. how sound waves are converted to MP3 format and vice versa.
3.3  Items may share the same bit pattern representation e.g. the same bits could be interpreted as a BMP file or a
spreadsheet file; an 8-bit value could be interpreted as a character or as a number.
3.2  Representations of: unsigned integers; text (ASCII), sounds (e.g. WAV, MIDI, etc.), pictures (.bmp) and video.
3.1  Introduction to binary manipulation.
KS2 2.7  Personal information should be accurate, stored securely, used for limited purposes and treated with respect.
2.6  Data may contain errors and that this affects the search results and decisions based on the data. Errors may be
reduced using verification and validation.
2.5  Structured data can be stored in tables with rows and columns. Data in tables can be sorted. Tables can be searched
to answer queries. Searches can use one or more columns of the table.
2.4  Difference between data and information.
2.3  The difference between constants and variables in programs.
2.2  Introduction to binary representation (names, objects or ideas as a sequence of 0s and 1s).
2.1  Similar information can be represented in multiple formats.
KS1 1.3  Binary outputs can directly provide useful information for decision-making processes.
1.2  Computers use binary switches to control the flow of information.
1.1  Information can be stored and communicated in a variety of forms e.g. numbers, text, sound, image and video.


KS4 4.7  Documenting programs helps explain how they work.
4.6  Programs are developed to meet a specification, and are corrected if they do not meet the specification.
4.5  Programs that read and write persistent data in files.
4.4  Procedures that call procedures, to multiple levels (levels of abstraction).
4.3  Programming in a low-level language.
4.2  Two dimensional arrays (and higher).
4.1  Manipulation of logical expressions e.g. truth tables and Boolean valued variables.
KS3 3.7  Understanding the difference between errors in program syntax and errors in meaning. Hence finding
and correcting both kinds of errors.
3.6  Documenting programs to explain how they work.
3.5  Abstraction by using functions and procedures (definition and call), including: functions and procedures
with parameters; programs with more than one call of a single procedure.
3.4  The use of relational operators and logic to control which programs statements are executed and in
which order: simple use of AND, OR and NOT; how relational operators are affected by negations.
3.3  Programs can work with different types of data (integers, characters, strings, etc).
3.2  Variables and assignment.
3.1  Programming is a problem-solving activity, and there are typically many different programs that can
solve the same problem.
KS2 2.12  Computers can be programmed so that they appear to respond ‘intelligently’ to certain inputs.
2.11  A web page is an HTML script that constructs the visual appearance. It is also the carrier for other code
that can be processed by the browser.
2.10  A well-written program tells a reader the ‘story’ of how it works, both in the code and in
human-readable comments.
2.9  The behaviour of a program should be planned.
2.8  Programs are developed according to a plan, tested and corrected if they fail such tests.
2.7  Programs are unambiguous and that care and precision is necessary to avoid errors.
2.6  Programs can be created using visual tools. Programs can work with different types of data. They can
use a variety of control structures (selections and procedures).
2.5  Programs can model and simulate environments to answer “What If…” questions.
2.4  One or more mechanisms for repeating the execution of a sequence of statements, and using the value
of some data item to control the number of times the sequence is repeated.
2.3  One or more mechanisms for selecting which statement sequence will be executed, based upon
the value of some data item.
2.2  The concept of a program as a sequence of statements written in a programming language (Scratch).
2.1  A computer program is a sequence of instructions written to perform a specified task with a computer.
KS1 1.5  Programs can include repeated instructions.
1.4  Computers typically accept inputs, follow a stored sequence of instructions and produce outputs.
1.3  Particular tasks can be accomplished by creating a program for a computer; some computers allow
their users to create and modify their own programs.
1.2  A computer program is like a narrative and the computer’s role is to do what the narrator says.
1.1  Computers are controlled by sequences of instructions via processors.


Computer Science – OPTIONAL TOPICS (for advanced students)
ALGORITHMS (a) Artificial Intelligence and algorithms in computer games e.g. pacman
(b) Hashing.
(c) Distributed algorithms.
(d) Optimisation algorithms and heuristics; “good enough” solutions [genetic algorithms, simulated annealing].
(e) Monte Carlo methods
(f)  Learning and expert systems
(g) Biologically inspired computing; artificial neural networks, cellular automata, emergent behaviours e.g. ants, rabbits.
(h) Graphics [rotating a 3D model using transformation maths].
PROGRAMMING (a) Implementing recursive algorithms (fractals, mathematics links)
(b) Programming for the real world.
(c) Robotics and hardware maker community (simple electronics)
(d) Other language types and constructs: object oriented and functional languages.
(e) App development (advanced towards GCSE processing rather than wizard based, DB back end)
(f) Developing for different environments (hardware and software)
(g) Programming using SDKs and other hardware. E.g. Microsoft Kinect SDK
(h) Open source software – Linux and so on
DATA (a) List graphs and trees including binary trees
(b) Pointers and dynamic data structures.
(c) Handling very large data sets.
(d) Handling dynamic data sets (especially internet-based data)
(e)Floating point representation.
COMPUTERS (a) Interrupts and real-time systems.
(b) Multiprocessors
(c) Memory caches.

Year 7 Levels

Year 7

Level Criteria
  • Able to identify some ways to check the reliability of information found online
  • Able to identify some of the dangers that might be found online
  • Show evidence of research a website idea
  • Show evidence of designing the structure for a website and layout for this site
  • Produce some form of output using basic Logo commands
  • Be able to design a basic quiz using software packages
  • To be able to identify the consequences for the dangers encountered online
  • To be aware of ways to protect against these issues
  • Show evidence of layout and structure that are suitable for the purpose
  • Show evidence of the design of a navigation bar
  • Show some evidence of hyperlinking pages with some working examples
  • Show evidence  of designing a simple program to solve a given problem using LOGO’s basic instructions
  • Be able to described what an algorithm is
  • Be able to explain some commonly known algorithms
  • To be able to design a presentable and user friendly interface for the chosen quiz topic
  • Evidence of  simple spreadsheet skills
  • To be aware of their digital footprint
  • Be able to describe the copyright law and how it affects them
  • To have demonstrated a variety of editing skills to improve the presentation of  a website
  • Show evidence of gathering feedback from peers on the design
  • Show evidence of all pages hyperlinked and working properly
  • To have demonstrated a variety of editing skills to improve the presentation of the website
  • Show evidence of having gathered feedback from peers on the design
  • Show evidence of all pages hyperlinked and working properly
  • Show evidence of having commented on your code in order the explain what is happening and why
  • Show evidence of creating a loop to solve a problem using logo
  • Show evidence of having completed a bubble and bucket sort
  • Show evidence of creating and call subroutine
  • Show evidence of having used a set of IF statements & conditional formatting to check quiz answers
  • Show evidence of having used countif / countblank functions to give user feedback
  • Be able to create charts of user responses
  • Show evidence of having conducted personal research
  • Clearly explained the consequences and ways to protect against issues.
  • Show evidence of refining of the site based on feedback
  • Show evidence of planning storyboards are complete, detailed and show evidence of refinement
  • Show evidence of using efficient coding within LOGO when solving individual problems with no support
  • Show evidence of having used a vlookup to give feedback based on the final score
  • Show evidence of having protected the quiz to ensure answers are hidden from users
  • Show evidence of having used Nested If statements to check a variety of answers for each question
  • Show evidence of having evaluated personal research
  • To be able to design a creative system for illustrating and testing people’s knowledge
  • Show evidence of thorough research and refinement of the site
  • To have demonstrated graphical/design skills beyond the scope of the lessons
  • To show evidence of having tested and refined code as a result of peer/self-evaluation
  • Show evidence of having included a variety of question types – some which allow various answers from a user with different marks for different answers.
  • Show evidence of refining the quiz in response to feedback
  • Show evidence of having conducted extensive personal research
  • Show evidence of having created, without teacher assistance, a fully working system to inform and test the knowledge of others with a complete testing/evaluation of the finished system.
  • Show evidence of documenting new techniques covered so others can attempt them
  • Show evidence of ongoing testing and refining of designs throughout the unit
  • Show evidence of having used LOGO skills beyond those taught during lessons
  • Show evidence of inclusion of additional functions/formulae beyond the scope of the taught material
  • Show evidence of ongoing testing and refining throughout the quiz

Year 8 Levels

Topic: Y8 Digital Citizenship

Level Criteria
  • Be able to identify some ways to check the reliability of information found online
  • Be able to Identify some of the dangers that might be found online
  • Be able to create part of a webpage from HTML
  • Page includes some element of media
  • Incomplete design of web page that shows some ability to use the software.
  • Produce evidence of designing screens/sprites for a game.
  • Combine your product with instructions/actions  within a game which allow some of the media to work
  • Create part of a program that has some functionality.
  • Be able to identify  the consequences for the dangers encountered online
  • Be aware of ways to protect against these issues
  • Be aware of data encryption
  • Be able to Create a page from HTML that is largely complete
  • Page displays media suitable for chosen target audience
  • Use basic tools to produce a simple design with heavy use of copied images and text
  • Show evidence of an attempt at some image editing
  • Show evidence of an awareness of bitmap storage
  • Be able to create suitable screens and sprites for a designed game.
  • Be able to create a set of actions and events which work within the game.
  • Correctly comment on a program using #’s to explain its function
  • Be aware of their digital footprint
  • Be able to describe the copyright law and how it affects you
  • Can explain why data encryption is necessary
  • Be able to create a HTML page that includes links to other pages
  • Be able to alter text formatting and layout
  • Include a variety of media types e.g. static image, animated image
  • Show evidence of good use of a selection of tools e.g. magic wand, shapes, text, images
  • Content is fit for purpose
  • Show evidence of the use of touch-up tools used where appropriate
  • Show evidence of the use of filters where appropriate
  • Show evidence of a good understanding of bitmap storage
  • Create a working program that uses variables
  • Feedback is given to the user based on their inputs (selection – if/elif/else)
  • Conduct personal research
  • Clearly explain the consequences and ways to protect against issues.
  • Can you explain how data encryption works online
  • Be able to add a table and alter its layout and properties
  • Attempt elements of data capture using HTML
  • Evaluate your work with reference to features for future improvement
  • High quality product that shows a high level of skill with the tools
  • Possible use of tools beyond those taught in lessons
  • Exported in correct format – png AND a lower quality jpeg version for inclusion in emails etc.
  • A relatively professional looking cover
  • Gather feedback from peers on your finished product
  • Be able to create a wide variety of sprites
  • Ensure all actions work correctly and respond correctly to game events.
  • Be able Create a set of program blocks to carry out specific instructions within the game beyond those given in the support booklet.
  • Create additional environments
  • Included multiple working levels within the game
  • Provided evidence of redrafting designs based on feedback from others
  • Evaluate personal research
  • Design a creative system for illustrating and testing people’s knowledge
  • Feedback gathered and refinements made based upon findings
  • A professional looking cover that would be acceptable commercially
  • Demonstrate game design/programming skills beyond those taught in lessons
  • Include various methods to interact with the game to accommodate specific user needs
  • Show evidence of thorough testing and re-drafting of designs/game
  • Personal code is commented in order to explain to others
  • Be able to show an awareness of a method of looping (iteration – while)
  • Work is evaluated with specific reference to future improvements
  • Use of ‘while’ loops within your code e.g. lives?
  • Conduct extensive personal research
  • Create a fully working system to inform and test the knowledge of others with a complete testing/evaluation of the finished system without the help of your teacher.
  • Give examples of HTML code beyond the scope of the lessons (e.g. insert audio & video using HTML5)
  • Data capture is present and working in principle
  • Show evidence of documenting new techniques covered so others can attempt them
  • Show evidence of documenting new techniques so others can attempt them
  • Show evidence of thorough testing and refining throughout the unit
  • Show evidence of game authoring skills beyond the scope of the unit
  • Show evidence of further improvements to your code use personal research

Year 9 Levels

Year 9 Level Descriptors

Level Criteria
  • Be able to identify some ways to check the reliability of information found online
  • Be able to identify some of the dangers that might be found online
  • Be able to import audio clips into a software package
  • Produce some evidence of planning a product to match a brief
  • Create a simplistic (not necessarily complete) animation that shows some basic ability to use the software
  • Created part of a computer program that has some basic functionality although this doesn’t have to be working 100% correctly
  • Be able to identify the consequences for the dangers encountered online
  • Be aware of ways to protect against online issues
  • Create a simple movie with some relevant content regarding Digital Citizenship.
  • Create some part of a podcast using relevant software and simple techniques
  • Products should be fit for target audience in most places although message might be unclear
  • Planning is present and able to be followed by others in places (inc. timelines, content ideas etc.)
  • Used more than one clip when creating a podcast
  • Shown evidence of an awareness of how audio files are stored digitally
  • Made use of basic tools to produce a simple, non-animated design
  • Correctly commented a program using #’s to explain its function throughout
  • Shown an awareness of their digital footprint
  • Be able to describe the copyright law and how it affects them
  • Create a well presented movie with good content and good use of available tools.
  • Complete a podcast with good use of multiple clips e.g. music, speech
  • Planning for the task is complete and able to be followed by others throughout
  • Fit for target audience throughout with a clear message
  • Use of fading (and/or other effects) within audio software
  • Evidence of splitting/trimming clips within audio/video software packages
  • Ensure all audio clips used are clearly audible via use of track specific volume sliders
  • Ensure work is exported into a portable format although this may not be the best choice e.g. wav
  • Show evidence of a good understanding of how audio files are stored digitally
  • Show evidence of good use of a selection of tools e.g. magic wand, shapes, text, images
  • All products should be fit for purpose
  • Graphics adverts/banners should be animated (although with few states)
  • Show use of filters where appropriate when using graphics packages
  • Show an awareness of how image files are stored
  • Be able to create a working computer program that uses variables
  • Feedback is given to the user based on their inputs (selection – if/elif/else) when writing their own programs
  • Be able to conduct personal research relevant to a specific task
  • Be able to clearly explain the consequences off online issues and explain ways to protect against them.
  • Create an excellent movie making good use of software techniques and skills.
  • Show a good use of effects/fading etc.  to enhance the podcast
  • Demonstrate clear use of the envelope tool to affect the volume differently throughout a track
  • Create a good podcast with a clear message and semi-professional overall sound
  • Be able to export work into a recognised portable file format e.g. mp3/aac/wma/ogg
  • Create animations that are smooth and relatively professional looking (many states)
  • Be able to export an animation into the correct format (animated gif)
  • Demonstrate a clear understanding of how image files are stored
  • Personal programming code is commented in order to explain to others what is happening at each stage
  • Show an awareness of a method of looping (iteration – while)
  • Be able evaluate work  with specific reference to future improvements
  • Evidence of use of given data structures e.g. lists and demonstration of searching/sorting within these lists (or strings)
  • Be able to correctly and concisely evaluate personal research
  • Be able to design a creative system for illustrating and testing people’s knowledge
  • Be able to design and create an outstanding podcast with a clear message, many components and overall professional sound
  • Show an ability to gather effective feedback from peers
  • Show evidence of refining products based on feedback
  • Be able to create a program that adapts to the users responses and changes accordingly e.g. difficulty levels?
  • Show evidence  of programming code beyond the scope of taught lessons
  • Show evidence of the use of data structures (lists) within personal code
  • Demonstrate the ability to conduct extensive personal research for a specific task
  • Be able to creat, without teacher assistance, a fully working system to inform and test the knowledge of others with a complete testing/evaluation of the finished system.
  • Be able to show evidence of documenting new techniques covered so others can attempt them
